Parks & Recreation
Posted on January 01, 2005
Patterson H Architects designed the Project included the design for the new Multipurpose Support Facility at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. A 2,000 sf building to house offices and the concessions and a 2,000 sf green room for the entertainers featured at Wolf Pen Creek. Our design incorporated the design elements existing currently at the ampi-theater and we also included a concession plaza, bbq area and truck and van parking.
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Posted on January 01, 2000
A new community center for the “younger crowd” located in Southwood Park adjacent to the College Station Junior High. Actually, the entire community for special events, with a focus for the younger teens, uses the center as a senior center during school hours and. The center provides meeting spaces, club/activity room, study area, computer room, and administrative offices. Provide full services.
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